To apply for a Mastercard Luxury Card you should know which of them you want to go for, although to acquire any of them all you need a prior guide, they offer cards like Titanium Card, Mastercard Black Card, Mastercard Gold Card
This Mastercard Luxury card also has another brand where it publishes a Luxury Magazine for members in print and digital forms which came into existence in 2008, which is called the Black Card.
The Luxury card is a financial service offering company owned by Black card LLC all their cards are exclusively issued by Barclays
Their Titanium card has a $195 annual fee, the Gold card $995 annual fee, and the Black card $495 annual fee.
Other Luxury card benefits are redeemable via their travel Loyalty Edge program and direct deposit to the US checking or saving accounts, gift cards, statement credits, and merchandise.
Table of Contents
Guide to Apply for a Mastercard Luxury Card Online.
To apply for these Matercard Luxury cards you have to follow the right steps and below is how to go about the online registration;
- First visit the Mastercard Luxury card application site at
- Select your most preferred luxury card, from the list of Titanium card, the Black card or the Gold card which has same application process despite the one you choose, the application process for all three cards is the same.
- Once you have selected your card type, click on “Apply Now” against the card you aquire.
- You will be auto-directed to the card application page.
- Input all your personal data as prompted information like full name, address, and how long you have stayed at your provided address, indicate if you rented or own it.
- Indicated your occupation and total annual income type, your phone number, email address, date of birth, social security number (SSN), mother’s maiden name, and select citizenship as well for non US citizens.
- Navigate and look for their and terms and conditions and agree to them.
- For balance transfer activation during application, add the information prompted and complete your Luxury card application by tapping on “Apply” button.
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Other Methods to Apply for a Luxury Card
- To apply for a Luxury card online may be tedious for you so simply follow this method too, you can apply by calling their customer card representative with 1-844-589-22-73 then you follow the instructions given to complete your application.
Mastercard Luxury Card Rewards Program
Luxury cards give their cardholders 2% cashback for airline travel spending, access to a Luxury Card Concierge, help card users to get travel plans.
You will also get travel benefits such as complimentary room upgrades or spa credits at their network of properties, other benefits include a direct deposit to the US checking or saving accounts, gift cards, statement credits.
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FAQs about Mastercard Luxury Card
What is the APR for a Mastercard Luxury card?
The APR for Mastercard Luxury cards comes differently based on the Prime Rate and it is around 16.99%.
Can I transfer a balance with my Mastercard Luxury card?
Yes, you can transfer a balance at a zero percent APR for balance transfers for the first 15 months of acquiring the card. But subsequently, you will be charged at $5 or 3%.
Is there an annual fee Master card Luxury credit?
Yes, there is an annual fee for all the cards, Titanium card has $195, the Gold card has a $995 annual fee, and the Black card has a $495 annual fee.
Is there a late fee?
All the three-card have an overdue payment charge of $37.
Can you use the cards overseas?
Yes, Luxury credit cards can be used overseas at a zero foreign transaction fee.
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